“Too many young lives are being lost. NJ must act NOW to prevent teen suicides.”
Governor Richard Codey recently announced a comprehensive plan including proposed legislation to help fund efforts to prevent teen suicide and address depression in New Jersey schools. With teenage suicide up 70% nationally, Codey cited “a growing epidemic touching too many families across our state”. NJ State Senator and former Governor Codey joined with New Jersey parents who experienced the tragic loss of their children to suicide, mental health experts and educators to announce a new, 3-pronged initiative to wage war against teen suicide and depression in New Jersey at a press conference and symposium on May 9.
“New Jersey must act NOW to better equip all school employees to help identify at-risk students and prevent teen suicides and other mental health related incidents in their schools,” Codey declared. “School workers such as secretaries, security guards and teacher’s aides need the tools and training to recognize bullying, early warning signs and symptoms of mental health issues, and the proper steps to resolve conflict and prevent potential disasters.”
Learn more about the Codey Fund initiative
Read the story behind Mallory’s Army
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